There are two main types of ADHD medications: stimulant and non-stimulant medications. Medications also come in several different forms to meet the different needs of the patients. This includes orally disintegrating tablets (ODT), liquids, patches, capsules and tablets. Before medication treatment begins, your doctor should discuss the benefits and the possible side effects of these medications.
Medications for ADHD can be very effective but they are not a cure for ADHD. Medications can help control ADHD symptoms on the day the medication is taken. If a person does not take their medication, you should not expect to see improvement in their symptoms. Treatment for ADHD varies with each patient, and a treatment plan that includes ADHD medication may help you or your child manage this condition.
Any child can have moments of being inattentive, impulsive, or hyperactive. Children with ADHD, however, experience combinations of these symptoms repeatedly and in a way that is severe enough to have an impact at home, school, or in social situations.
At times, many adults can have trouble focusing and paying attention. All adults make careless mistakes, procrastinate, and lose their wallet or keys from time to time. Adults with ADHD have significantly more challenges in their concentration and impulsivity that can negatively impact them at work and at home. If you are concerned that you might have ADHD, make an appointment with your doctor.
ADZENYS XR-ODT (amphetamine) is an extended-release orally disintegrating tablet approved for the treatment of ADHD in patients 6 years and above. “Extended release” means the active drug is released in the body throughout the day. ODT means “orally disintegrating tablet.” ADZENYS XR-ODT dissolves quickly in the mouth so that it can be taken without water.
Yes. ADZENYS XR-ODT was approved by the FDA for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADZENYS XR-ODT may help increase attention and decrease impulsiveness and hyperactivity in patients with ADHD. It is important to remember that everybody is different and results will vary from patient to patient.
An orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) dissolves quickly in the mouth without water.
The course of treatment with ADHD medications depends on the individual patient’s situation and response to overall treatment. Your doctor may talk to you about trial periods without medication to assess response to treatment. Your doctor will talk to you about the risks and benefits of stopping treatment.
ADZENYS XR-ODT is a stimulant medication. Many researchers and clinicians believe that stimulant medications like ADZENYS XR-ODT can typically have an immediate effect on a patient with ADHD. Of course, all patients are different and results will vary from patient to patient.
There are many different ADHD medications available for patients with ADHD. People respond differently to medications. Click here to learn more about the side effects patients experienced while taking ADZENYS XR-ODT. Your doctor will be able to provide you with information on the most common side effects of other ADHD medications.
If you suspect an accidental overdose of ADZENYS XR-ODT, call your doctor or poison control center at 1-800-222-1222 right away, or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.
Review Important Safety Information and patient Medication Guide.